

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sekilas tentang Saya

Hello guys..
My first post,, I will introduce my self..
Name :: Stephen Christian
Nickname :: Steve, Stephen (read: Steven), Ian
Born :: Malang, September 24, 1993
A college student @ Sepuluh Nopember Institue of Technology Surabaya, take Information System Department - Information Technology Faculty

My school::
Kindergarten : TKK Santa Theresia Malang

Elementary  : SDN Sukun VII Malang
Junior High School : SMPN 3 Malang
Senior High School : SMAN 1 Malang - Natural Science
College : Sepuluh Nopember Institue of Technology Surabaya - Information System Department

Nampang dikit.. :P
It's all folks.. :)
Read and comment please, and don't forget to follow me..